Individual Solutions for Optimizing your Safety Culture
etalon offers a wide range of services,
helping enterprises to effectively meet
the current challenges of safety:
Consulting and analyzing >
Concepts and strategies >
Training >
Coaching >
Events >
Our portfolio addresses the following areas:
Organisational development and safety
- Analyzing and evaluation of your safety culture
- Customized concepts for improving your safety culture
- Consulting and mediation in change management processes
- Trainings concerning the different perceptions of responsibility (for groups and individuals)
- „Train the Trainer“: qualifying trainings for internal multipliers
- Analyzing and improving psychological stress factors at work
Leadership towards more safety at work
- Assessment of individual leadership behaviour
- Assessment of leadership culture in your company
- Concepts for improving leadership structures
- Motivation, training and coaching for members of the management
etalon offers a wide range of successfully established tools, which we will adapt to your specific needs
As our long-time experience has shown, all problems arising in companies are as unique as the companies themselves are. We feel a strong responsibility and obligation to make our services for our clients successful and to provide them with a sustainable benefit. For these reasons, we do not offer “standard” solutions, but our focus is on supporting our customers taking into consideration their individual and special situation. One of the main reasons for our success is that we listen carefully to the needs of our clients and analyze their current situation properly.
Thus, we are able to offer tailor-made solutions of whose success we are strongly convinced.
Analyzing safety culture
etalon works with different methods in order to analyze the safety culture of your company. We have various tools in our portfolio, which we adapt to your specific needs
- Expert analysis of safety culture and psychological strain
- etalon self-assessment of safety culture
- ILSA - assessment und evaluation of leadership behaviour including analysis of types
If you wish, we will present our methods to you in a personal meeting or we can send you some further information. Please use our contact form.
Practical concepts & strategies
„Culture eats strategy for breakfast!“
Changes of the corporate culture always mean long-term processes, in which all employees have to be actively involved. Only then can they be successful and sustainable. For this reason, it is necessary to act in a well-structured and aligned way. We support your efforts by applying our expert knowledge to your advantage! After a thorough analysis of your situation, we develop a strategy in cooperation with you, implementing the essential measurements.
Innovative trainings for more motivation in safety at work
The change of processes in companies can be stimulated from outside. However, they have to find support from within, if they are to be successful in the long run. etalon offers a great variety of trainings, ensuring that leaders and employees are actively involved in these processes.
In doing so, we apply conventional tools from safety at work, such as instructions and risk assessments. We offer aid for conduct with regard to specific challenges at work, for example recognizing psychological strain. In addition, we train internal multipliers and deliver customized solutions for all topics related to communication.
Naturally, we also offer to develop your tailor-made training design in close cooperation with you.
These are our training modules:
- Safety at work for leaders >During this training session, we will explore the reasons why it is essential for leaders to keep a focus on safety at work.
- Increasing the perception of dangers at work >We train your employees answering the following questions: How do we perceive dangers at work? Why is safety at work not a fast-selling item, although each worker wants to go home in a healthy state? Which are the weak points in terms of an objective risk assessment?
- Instructions – from monologue to dialogue >Instructions at work are frequently organized as mere presentations to employees. The contents are repeated year in, year out, be it in an oral or written form. Companies often ask their employees to gather as a passive audience in a plenum. We would like to demonstrate how you can achieve a more effective and lively instruction session.
- Risk assessments – a behaviour-oriented and active approach >Risk assessment is a central method for safety at work in order to minimize the hazards of accidents. However, we can only fully exploit its high potential if we also consider behaviour-oriented measurements.
- Safety talks >Safety talks are an ideal, simple tool for strengthening your employees´ perception of dangers and integrating the safety topic into their daily routines.
- Investigation of accidents >The investigation of an accident is a complex issue. No matter which method you choose for analyzing the incident, one crucial question remains: How can we prevent accidents in the future?
- Behaviour-oriented safety inspections >Inspections of sites are usually carried out with checklists. In many cases, companies focus on technical or organizational improvements, completing to-do-lists afterwards. Although this is important, it is simply not sufficient. This training module shows new ways for achieving better results.
- Recognizing psychological stress factors >Being able to recognize psychological stress factors and preventing them, increasingly becomes a competitive advantage for all companies nowadays. Only healthy employees are capable of being motivated and identifying themselves with their work and company.
- Train-the-Trainer >As etalon experts we are convinced that companies should not only rely on external expertise when aiming for sustainable change processes. Therefore, we train your internal trainers and make them fit for the challenge.
Coaching – being successful with “help for self-help”
As important as an external consultant may be at the beginning and during the most significant milestones of the change management process, sustainable changes of corporate cultures can only derive from the inner core of the company.
Considering this, responsible people working in key positions and being able to leave their personal marks are crucial to reaching this goal. However, we also know that changes of behaviour do demand time and continuous practicing. Hence, we are committed to accompany all target groups on their way – even beyond our trainings.
Our coaching approach covers many aspects. The range starts from simply practicing a new work method up to comprehensive systemic management coaching. Please do not hesitate to ask, if you wish to adapt our coaching offerings to your individual requirements.
Events: Profiting from the experiences of others
The best way to learn something new is through practical experience. Obviously, what is more efficient than using synergies by exchanging personal experiences in “best practices”? Thus, etalon invites clients to special events called “exchange of experiences” on a regular basis. We usually select a focus topic, which according to our work experience seems to be of great interest to a wider audience. We organize our events as a mixture of initial presentations, presentations by participants, workshops, and discussions. Please check our announcements of events in our news section.
Coherent communication concepts for change processes
According to our experience, it is easier to achieve great changes in enterprises, when combining them with a well-structured communication and information campaign. Thus, we advise our clients to develop a communication concept driving the company´s corporate strategy effectively.
A concise slogan, a well-placed program name in addition to information leaflets, handouts, posters, intranet sides etc. help to introduce new guidelines. They also increase the degree of identification among the employees.
We will gladly support your planning efforts for a campaign right from the beginning. Ideally, we will develop a concept in close cooperation with your communication department.